This is my first blog nomination and its a big deal which is why I will pop a bottle later, because why not? Its a NOMINATION! The fact that I was, means I am doing something right. I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Nashe, (shout out to him!) whom I recently followed. Do make time to visit his blog.

The Liebster Award is an online award given to bloggers by other bloggers. So here it goes:


• Thank the Blogger who nominated you

• Answer the 11 questions given to you

• Nominate 11 Bloggers

• Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post

Questions And Answers

What is your favorite book and why

My current favourite book right now is Becoming, Michelle Obama’s memoir. I am not a fan of politics and even worse, I know nothing about USA politics. But she wrote it in such a way that I did not put the book away. Another point is the fact that she addressed issues that are difficult to talk about like miscarriage. Also, I wanted to really find out what life as a first lady (I have a feeling I will be one LOL) and one of the most powerful people is like. She told it in the most down to earth way.

What songs do I currently have on repeat

I have the whole Chosi album by Buhlebendalo on repeat. It has 13 songs and a day cannot start and end without listening to the album. Her songs are spiritual and of course carry a heavy meaning with them. I don’t have a favourite from the 13 songs because I like them ALL, from Salute, to Ilanga, to Too late for mama to Ntabe’zimnyama…hayi ZONKE! Oh Buhle is the girl from The Soil accapella group by the way.

Which season [ Autumn, Spring, Summer or Winter ] best describes you

I am me throughout all the seasons really. And I hate winter.

In the event of an emergency home evacuation , what is the first item you grab

Popticorn!!! But seriously it has to be my phone and maybe its charger.

Which historical figures would you like to meet and why

Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo. I worked on something that required me to read his autobiography and I wish I had read it earlier… the man went through a lot for the nation and his determination to see an independent Zimbabwe is why I want to have coffee with him (it can’t be wine because he didn’t take percentage). Point to note: I can only meet him in a dream now and its very much possible for that to happen. MHSCRIP. As for living historical figures I already live with one, so its okay.

What makes a good blog

Consistency and marketing, and YOU who will read.

Back to the past or forward to the future

The future please, more interesting and fun things await me.

Your dream Vacation

Anywhere with wifi or internet connection lol. But seriously, it has to be a place surrounded by nature, the Matopo vibes you feel me? That place has to be in Kenya!!!!

The greatest movie of all time

The fault in our stars and one day I will tell you why.

Wealth or Health

wealth please so that if am not healthy then I will afford to seek medical attention, you see?

Your proudest moment

I have looooots of them, for example, finally getting out of a toxic relationship hehehe which also is a story for another day BUT the one which takes the cup is co-authoring a book and getting it published!

AND THE NOMINEES ARE: actually I will announce them on twitter!


  1. NASHE says:

    And you popped a bottle without inviting me huh 😑..
    Am currently reading Becoming, and usually I don’t like memoirs but this one is greatttt


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